If you are lucky, you will be blessed with one that is extra special.
Don't be jealous.
Allow me to enlighten you to the elite specialness of the Banjo-man.
First of all: He's a "pants optional" dude. I mean, perhaps you have seen him on my counter before?
But lately I feel he is enjoying the free lifestyle a bit too much.
No pants.
No pants.
No pants.
I'm sure he has no pants here either.
Ask me how I know.
It wasn't very long before this picture was taken that he announced that he had pooped behind my couch. This kid should teach a seminar to toddlers regarding "poo fear."
He has overcome.
And I guess since he is often pants-less, it wasn't much of a stretch to just strip down and take a soak.
Seriously. What the heck? He was supposed to be washing his hands.
I'm really not sure what is going on here.
He's just his own person.
He likes to wear a comb in his hair sometimes.
I mean, I guess life has its challenges with sisters. He does get dressed up like a princess occasionally.
But honey badger don't care. He just hikes up his dress and scales the fence like a man.
He is going to be three next month.
I'm sure everything will change then.