
Monday, December 26, 2011

"Saurs" and Drawers

I am sure I went to Fernbank on a school field trip as a child, but I certainly didn't remember that it was so stinkin' cool!

My very brave sister and dad joined us for a fun-filled afternoon with my littles at the museum.

Mr. Jenkins was so excited about the dinosaurs.

Honestly, it was a priceless moment witnessing his face when he first saw the "saurs" (A.K.A. Dinosaurs in Jenkie-speak).

And lucky for sweet Jenkie, there were plenty of "saurs" to be seen at Fernbank.

The museum had an incredible children's exhibit called Nature Quest. My kids ran around like wild Indians. Next time I think I am going to bring a lawn chair and just sit by the exit to the exhibit because I nearly wore myself out chasing them all over that place. Praise the Lamb my dad and sis were there to help me keep up with every one!

We have enjoyed a wonderful December. We spent time with family and enjoyed the Advent season as we anticipated Jesus' birthday. I'll try to post some other pictures in the coming days if I can get my act together, but in case you have forgotten how crazy we can get, here are a few pictures to remind you.

Sassy has continued to make some excellent fashion choices.
Yes, those are socks on her I mean hands.

She is also becoming quite the artist.
This is a picture of me.
I don't mean to brag, but I look pretty awesome on a Magnadoodle.

Mr. Jenkins continues to keep me on my toes, and the combination of Sassy and Jenkins can make for interesting times.
Yes. Mr. Jenkins is sitting in our coffee table drawer watching PBS kids...

...While picking his nose.

And yes. Sassy is sitting in an empty diaper box...

...While sucking her thumb.

Thank goodness this one isn't big enough to get into too much trouble...

But I have a feeling, it won't be long.


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