
Thursday, January 3, 2013

Classic Jenkins

I love the boy.

He makes me laugh...

and he's so pretty...

...and he is probably going to kill me one day for my postings on this blog.

Alas, I care not.

Especially since he typically affords me the most opportunities for spiritual growth on a regular basis.

Seriously... the tantrums can be epic.

However, recently, I have found him extra hilarious and I thought I would share of few glimpses into my life with Mr. Jenkins.


While congratulating him on putting on his PJs (or as we refer to them... "jammers") all by himself the other night...

ME: Great job dressing yourself buddy!
JENKINS: No Mommy! I not dressin'...I jammerin'! I jammered myself!


Tonight at the dinner table, Brent asked each of the children if they would share something that they were thankful to God for.

Sassy of course said, "cats"

Chilli bean screeched.

Mr. Jenkins said he was thankful that he was going to go to the fair tomorrow.

Nice try buddy.

My sister got a great new camera for Christmas and has been taking some sweet photos over the past few weeks.

However, my favorite picture from Christmas would have to be the following, taken by yours truly on my handy cell phone.

Yes, that would be the Jenkins... in the buff... playing with his new tool bench bright and early Christmas morn.

You see, the boy was very excited about the Christmas gifts awaiting him and he could not be bothered with silly nuisances such as underwear and clothing following his morning trip to the potty.

Once again... he is going to kill me some day.

Once again... I care not.


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