
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Mama said there'd be days like this...

It was one of those days...

And I was that mom.

You know, the one who let her children run around a store like they were wild beasts. Who kept calling them to "come here!" but when they blatantly igored her, she just sighed and asked them again...
and again...
and again.

The ran all over me today... and I let them have the upper hand.  Honestly, I feel a bit defeated.

It doesn't help that I didn't get a shower today or that I was up 0.6 lbs at my weight watchers weigh in.

I consoled myself with an uplifting pep talk ice cream.

I am grateful that tomorrow is a new day... and even more thankful that his mercies are new every morning. (Lam 3:22-23). Lord knows I am especially needy for some mercy in the morning!
Did you know that mercy sometimes comes in the form of coffee!?

But seriously, it is on days like today I realize how desperate I am for His mercy throughout the day. Of course I need him all the time, but I get prideful and arrogant, and beleive the lie that I am self-sufficient and capable on my own. I suppose that is why I need days like this... to remind me how dependant I am upon his sustaining grace.

Well... I am certainly humbled.

I am also exhausted.

I'm looking forwarrd to tomorrow's mercies. How about you?


1 comment:

  1. I'll take a heaping helping of His mercies and grace, please!
